Breakups are never easy, but it's even worse when you're quarantined during a worldwide pandemic. COVID-19 was already a lot to handle, but adding a breakup just made things 10x worse and 10x lonelier. Nobody wants to feel alone, especially when there isn't much to do to get your mind off of the current situation. That feeling of loneliness is hard to overcome, especially when you had a person and would have someone to look forward to seeing and talking to every day. I was trying to find happiness in the exact place I lost it, hoping that this was all some crazy dream, but it really happened, and I knew I needed to move on.
Broken, hurt, and lonely, finding the means to pick myself up was difficult because I didn't know it was possible without being able to go out with friends to get my mind off of things. I eventually realized the importance of staying connected with friends and spending time with family and those I love. Even though I felt alone and upset, I was never really alone. I had my friends and family there to lift me up and help me rediscover my worth. Each day would get easier and easier. I turned to activities that made me feel good like working out, getting dressed up, or listening to some upbeat breakup playlists. I let myself be sad for a few days and let myself go a bit, but then I told myself that "everything happens for a reason" and that it will be OK with time.
I turned to self-love and used this time of quarantine for some serious self-discovery instead of thinking about how lonely I'd feel sometimes. We all hate to feel alone, and it is especially hard to feel lonely in a time like this, but this too shall pass. With every heartbreak comes an opportunity to learn from it and grow from it. It takes a certain mindset to see and experience that hurt so badly as a blessing, but it is possible because life is full of experiences that will shape us into who we are destined to be. Being quarantined allowed me to look at the situation head-on and process things, not distract myself from the current situation.
Every day is not easy and sometimes there are bad days when I miss the way things used to be, but I let myself move on. Getting over a breakup is impossible unless you let yourself move on and continue the walk of life… even if that means without another person right now. People come into our lives for a reason and they either stay or leave. Every person we cross paths with is there to teach us something and I learned that I can't rely on anyone except myself for happiness and that even though I didn't have a boyfriend anymore, I could still be happy. No matter what happens in life, it happens for a reason and there is still good in the world. We are never alone and we all deserve so much happiness and joy.
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