Notable exceptions are The Office, Parks and Rec, and Friends, all which are not new to quarantine, or even 2020, but rather are my regular rotation of shows as is.
The Circle
- Streaming on: Netflix
Rating: 3/5
Review: Who knew when this show dropped on 1/1/2020 they would be unknowingly manifesting quarantine or social distancing as a whole?! The reality game show is where contestants are forced into isolation for a set amount of weeks and can only interact over a specific social media platform – The Circle. Who is catfishing? Who is genuine? Each week, players are given challenges, sometimes new players are introduced mid-way, and they're all forced to virtually interact – ending in a ranking of all of them. The lowest gets voted off. Mindless? Yes. Entertaining? Very much so. I am forever devastated my favorite contestant didn't win. Netflix has since launched a Brazilian version of this show, but I am yet to check that out. Also, weird fact, although all the exterior shots of the cityscape are in Chicago, the show was actually filmed in the UK…
Queens of Comedy
- Streaming on: Netflix
Rating: 2.5/5
Review: As a fan of stand up comedy, a competition like show is nothing but good fun for me. This show, aimed to give Indian female standup comics a chance in the limelight, is a great binge.
Brooklyn 99
- Streaming on: Hulu
Rating: 5/5
Review: Why have I put off watching this show for long?! As a huge fan of The Office, and Parks & Rec I was sure to enjoy another Mike Schur creation – and this show did not disappoint. I got through all the seasons in about a month, until I was watching weekly like the rest of the world. If you told me 10 years ago I would have a crush on the "I'm on a Boat" guy, I would have looked at you skeptically, at best. But here Andy Samberg is, the latest addition to my celebrity crush list. This show has the wholesomeness of Parks and Rec and character tropes of The Office (definitely not as cringe-humor based, though). They have had episodes about topical issues since the first season, and the show does a lot for representation as a whole.
The last season is scheduled to film this year (unsure if the pandemic has delayed such), but given all the protesting around police and the general civil unrest, Schur completely scrapped what he had written for the last season and "took the show in a completely different direction." Cast member Andre Braugher even said "we're all going to be very, very proud of [it], or we're going to fall flat on our face." Here's to hoping for a strong ending to what's easily become my favorite quarantine fandom.