You've seen the articles about getting rid of toxic friendships. While that's great and all, I think it is just as important to fill your life with people who aren't toxic. People who are going to build you up, love you, and support you. People who do things like this:
1. Text you to see if you're okay
Friends can do this too -- it doesn't have to just be from your significant other! Knowing that your friends care about you and that they want you to talk to them is such a big deal.
2. Strongly encourage you to go places
Whether that means going out for a drive in the middle of nowhere, or dressing up for a friend date! Sometimes we get a little too comfortable in our pajamas on the couch and need a little prompting to get up and go out.
3. Go on drives with you
It's not always about the destination, it's about the conversations, the jam sessions, and the silence you share.
4. Tell you when you've got something in your teeth
We all need this. It's so much better coming from this friend rather than not knowing, or noticing after you've talked to a million and one people.
5. Laugh with you and at you
I find laughter to be a crucial part of friendship. If your sense of humor doesn't mesh with your friend's, good luck spending lots of time together.
6. Invite you to do things
I'm a planner. I like to plan things and invite people. But, sometimes it is really nice to be the one getting invited. It shows that someone thought of you, and wanted to spend time with you!
7. Compliments you on the little things
True friends know if it's a big deal that you wore makeup today or put on that special pair of jeans, and they will let you know how proud they are! Friends should build each other up always, whether it is a big or a small thing.
8. Give you their full attention
I know that I am guilty of this one, but it is so refreshing to know that someone is completely invested in you and whatever you are telling them, even if it is only for a small amount of time. Time is precious, and they are investing theirs into you.
9. Tell you when you are being too crazy
Sometimes, we all get a little too crazy and we need a special friend or two that can bring us back down to earth. It takes a special kind of friendship for people to really be able to do this without someone getting upset or getting their feelings hurt. These friends are VERY hard to find.
10. Supports you in your endeavors
Not everyone you know is going to love all of your choices, but you need friends who will be supportive of you. You are capable of doing so much, but it always helps to have a strong support system backing you up!
11. Hold you accountable
This one is also rare. Accountability is such a hard thing. This level of friendship is not one that you will reach, even with some friends that you may have known for years! Holding someone accountable is hard because they may not want to hear what you are telling them, but you know that they need to hear it.
12. Call you while they're driving somewhere
They may have no actual reasoning for giving you a ring, other than that they are bored in the car and they thought of you! You should feel honored, even if you only talk for five minutes about almost nothing.
13. Go places with you so you aren't alone
True friends will go to the grocery store at 10 PM with you, or to the doctor's office when you are perfectly capable of going alone. You just didn't want to, and they understand that. Plus, everything is better together.
14. Want to hear about your life
Our society is very me, me, me. We get so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget to ask about others. The friend who asks about you, even though she has her own troubles, truly cares about you.