Let’s talk about putting yourself first. Putting yourself first is in no way selfish. People go on and on about the selfless acts of others, but we are never praised or applauded for taking care of ourselves. It’s always seen as being careless, rude, and inconsiderate. In this day and age, we need to take care of our own needs. The first step to building healthy relationships and creating a better life is self-love.
Putting yourself first should be something that comes easily and naturally - but for a lot of people it doesn’t. But the truth is you are the most important person in your life. Often times people consider the negative effects of their decisions on others before they think of the negative effects on themselves. Your decisions shouldn’t be made based on other people’s opinions, emotions, etc. They should be purely yours. I’m not saying to ignore advice, but I am saying this: if you’re in a situation where the decision you make will either negatively affect you or negatively affect someone else.. choose the scenario that benefits your health and makes you happy. Despite what some people might tell you, this isn’t selfish, self-centered, inconsiderate, mean, thoughtless, or anything else they can come up with. For example, I was in a situation recently that the decision I had to make was clearly black and white. One person would be hurt while the other would be okay, in whichever situation I chose. I spent too much time considering the other person’s feelings without considering my own at all. I eventually realized that my mental health was being ignored, and made a tough choice. Yes, I feel bad about it, and that’s okay, but what I’m really proud of is the fact that I put myself first. Happiness is something I’d like to keep in my life, and if the possibility of a situation is sacrificing my happiness, I’m going to choose the one that makes my life better. When your mental health, stability, and happiness is on the line, you should always come before others. That doesn’t mean it’s any easier to see the other person hurt. It is totally okay to feel the guilt of choosing yourself first, but don’t dwell on it. In the long-run, may i remind you, you are the most important person in your life. You should always be proud of yourself for making a decision that betters yourself, your health, and your happiness. And as a society in general, people should be praised more for taking care of their own needs. If you are making a decision that actually betters yourself, and you aren’t just being greedy, it should be recognized that you have made the right choice. Always consider your feelings, stability, happiness, and health when making an important decision. So the next time you come across a sticky situation just remember that putting yourself first is the best thing you can do - something I’ve recently learned and embraced.