Dear best friend,
Thank you.
1. Thank you for sticking around after all these years, even during that terrifying colored contact phase that I went through.
2. Thank you for putting up with me through all the good, the bad and the ugly.
3. Thank you for understanding that sometimes I just need my space and I’m not totally ghosting you.
4. Thank you for always trying your best to understand where I’m coming from.
5. Thank you for loving me at times where I found it hard to love myself.
6. Thank you for coming into my life and helping to shape me into the person I am today.
7. Thank you for the late night laughing fits in your car that can go on for at least a solid twenty minutes.
8. Thank you for letting me wake you up at ungodly hours of the morning to drag you with me to try to meet Fifth Harmony even though we both know they aren’t going to stop for pictures.
9. Thank you for breaking me out of my little music bubble and bringing me to shows, even though I have no idea who’s playing.
10. Thank you for sitting through all those Chopped and House Hunters marathons with me.
11. Thank you for our random food adventures in the city, hours spent thrifting in Philly, and late night trips to the Inkwell.
12. Thank you for being this positive ray of light in my life.
13. Thank you for showing me what it means to be selfless but reminding me that it’s okay to be a little selfish sometimes.
14. Thank you for teaching me the importance of self-love.
15. Thank you for inspiring and encouraging me to live my best life regardless of what others may think.
16. Thank you for being the one person I know is always going to be in my corner.
17. Thank you for being my oldest and dearest friend.
18. Thank you for allowing me to be my truest self around you but more importantly...
19. Thank you for being you.
I don’t tell you enough how grateful I am for you. I’ve had many friends come and go in life but you’ve always remained a constant. You’re my soul mate and that’s something your boyfriend is just going to have to deal with because I was here first.
I love you, Britt.