What was the last thing you posted on social media? Do you remember? The last thing I posted was a picture of me and my Big. But what did you post, was it a picture with your best friend, or complaining about how growing up is so hard? I hate social media for one reason and one reason only. It’s not because people post pictures about how happy they are or an exciting trip they took. Simply, it is because people use social media as a pity party these days.
Every day I see at least five people posting pictures or comments about how hard and miserable their life is. Yes, life is hard everyone knows that, but I don’t need to see how hard your life is every single day. When I see these posts the first thing that comes to mind is that you need a new outlook on life. When it comes to social media we need to take a second and think about how people see your posts.
Let’s say you want someone to know that things in your life are falling apart. Rather than posting a picture that describes the bad, why not post something that shows everything you are accomplishing during that time. More people will stop and read your post and your comments will go from “I’m so sorry,” to “You’re doing great, I’m proud of you.” Wouldn’t you rather see positive comments or comments that just pity you?
The way you think before you post method is something that people don’t consider any more. We post all the time when ever and whatever we want. I have been there and done it a posted so many things that don’t get likes. It’s because people want to see things that they can relate to or that they are about. It’s also again in the way you post it. Make it funny if you feel the need to post it, it won’t come off as you just wanting someone to feel sorry for you. It will be taken better and be more relatable.
If you want people to take what you have to say seriously don’t post on social media all the time. The people who hardly ever show up in my news feed are the ones I pay the most attention to. It’s because I know when they post they have something to say. It’s something they really want people to know and pay attention to.
I have been that person, the person who posted every day all the time about how hard life was. I learned and made changes to my presence on social media and I am happy that I did. I strongly believe that we have come into an age where we want people to feel bad for us. Hopefully you decide to make the change in your social media presents to a positive one and take the time to think about what you really want from your posts.