Someone once told me that I needed to be more positive. At the time, I was kind of mad to be quite honest! In my mind, I thought I was an extremely positive person! I’m constantly laughing, therefore, I thought that equaled being positive! Without getting too much into detail, and without sounding too cheesy, that statement changed my life. As I reflected on myself and my outlook on life, I realized that maybe that person was right! Damn, I was negative. I was so negative that I lost a big piece of my life. I drove a person straight out of my life because of my attitude. My life changed. I thought "I don’t want the people I care about the most to hate being around me." I can’t live life like that knowing that I’m driving people away. So, instead of being a “Negative Nelly,” I’m a “Positive Polly!”
Everyone has their days, and you’re entitled to! Being human means you have some bad days. Sometimes it can be really hard trying to stay positive through an obstacle life throws your way. Here’s a little lesson on HOW TO BE POSITIVE!
1. One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.
The first few minutes of your day are very crucial. A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset. Wake up with a smile on your face. Rise up and attack the day with enthusiasm! You’ve been given another day to live! I know it sounds cheesy but when you concisely think about it, you’ve been granted another day on this Earth to enjoy your family, friends, and you’re very positive life! When you wake up, take a second to think about what a privilege it is to simply be alive and healthy.
2. Wake up in anticipation something great is going to happen today.
I love my job. However, sometimes I wake up dreading to get up, get dressed and drive to work. I find a silver lining, though. At my job, it’s tip optional. Even though I may not want to go to work that particular day, I could come home with a pocket full of tips! Extra money’s always a positive, right?!
3. Don't stress over the little things you have no control over.
This is something I’ve come to terms with. I’m the type of person where I want to fix everything. I want everything to be perfect. But that’s not life, life’s not perfect. My parents always taught me to “roll with the punches.” Every now and then you have to go with the flow. For example, failed relationships, whether it be a romantic relationship or a friendship. You can only do so much to try and fix it until the effort isn’t being reciprocated and then you just look plain crazy! Stop stressing yourself out over things you have zero control over!
4. Train your mind to see the good in every situation.
Always be looking at the glass half full. There will be times when it’ll be so hard to find the worth in times where it seems like there’s nothing but negative. It’s easy to find something negative and hold onto that instead of finding something positive in a terrible situation. The first time’s always the hardest. After you find the good in the worst setting, it’ll become so much easier time after time. The positives you find will overshadow even the worst negatives. It takes time, nobody can change overnight.
5. Choose to be optimistic. It feels better.
The key word is "choose." Nobody can force you to become a more positive person. They can try and help all they want, but YOU need to CHOOSE to be positive because YOU want to better YOURSELF. Ever heard the saying “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink?” YOU need to want to better YOURSELF, with a little help or push of course.
6. A negative mind will NEVER give you a positive life.
Think logically about this for a second; how can you ever be a semi-positive person if you’re always focusing on the negative? Quit directing your attention to the bad and start focusing on the good! There will always be someone out there who is happy with what you’re miserable with. So give up the gloomy attitude and put your positive pants on!
Breathe. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life. I need this reminder every once in a while. Like I said before, everyone’s entitled to bad days, you’re only human! But don’t let it consume your outlook. When you wake up and are awarded another day, you can make that day be anything you want! Good, bad, sad, happy. It’s your life. Things have a way of working out. The world’s weird and amazing like that. When you’re thrown a curveball, deal with it. Don’t complain, don’t get a “poor me” attitude; man up and deal with this beautiful thing you’ve been given–life.
Take it from me, I’ve been to hell and back trying to find myself and realize that I was so damn negative. Now, I think I’m one of the happiest and most positive people ever if I don’t say so myself! It’s nice and refreshing to be around a positive and happy face. It took me a long time to realize that. Don’t let a negative attitude overrule your life until someone has to exit your life in order for you to see what needs to change. Life’s too short to have regrets, be happy while you’re still here because not every day is guaranteed.
(Thank you)