As we have seen throughout the Word of God, the hope that He brings for those who simply ask Him for His help, is something that seems so foreign to the people of God. But it is actually a very important part of the plan of salvation. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are immediately given "Hopes and Fears," and if we haven't accepted Him, then our "Fears and Hope" have never existed. Those who haven't accepted Him are living in their own hell, which they desperately want to get out of because of their own unwillingness to allow Christ into their lives.
So many Christians have a problem with the notion of hope because they don't understand how it can be used to accomplish anything positive in this life. They are so quick to point out the things that they don't like about their own life, or the life of others, but they are quick to disregard or minimize the things that they love about themselves and about the life of others. That is why I often ask, "What is hope?" Because without hope, we have no direction, and unless we have a real direction, we can't accomplish much. If we expect that we can change other people around us and achieve things that we cannot, then we will only be wasting our time hoping.
How to Put Our Hope in God is one of my favorite books because it helps believers to figure out the best way to approach the question of hope. It teaches them to approach it from two different perspectives, and to use both. First, we must hope that we can change our lives for the better. This is an attitude that we can display from day-to-day, but it is even more important when we are asked to rely on someone else to deliver messages for us. This is the most important part of putting your trust and faith in God because we are responsible for ourselves, and we must make sure that we are following up on what he says in our bible.
We also must hope that there will be good things that will happen to us, because this gives us something to look forward to. How to Put Our Hope in God also teaches us to be patient, and to understand that the more we wait, the less likely it is that we will get the good things that we expect. If we don't build our hopes up, then we might as well just expect them to fall right on our laps. This isn't the way that we are supposed to live, so if the expectation is too high, then we need to find a way to decrease our expectations and take baby steps.
The bottom line is that we must learn how to put our hope in God for us to see the good things that he has us working toward. I have been a tremendous believer in this since I was a teenager. I used to think that there was nothing good in life, but I now know better. I want to use this information to help others see the hope that they need to have so that they can have the same kind of hope that I did when I was a teenager. You can do the same thing if you want to and believe in the process and outcome.
God is certainly our hope. He's promised us eternal life, and we need to understand that he is delivering on this promise. If we want to have some assurance that he is keeping his word, then we must start believing that he can deliver. This is how to put our hope in God.