Wearing a mask is not political. Having to physically distance is not political. Keeping yourself and those around you healthy is not political. It's what humans need to do for each other. This is a moral and humanistic problem. This isn't a plot to sway voters. The entire world isn't faking some virus just for the sake of United States politics. This virus is deadly, as we all know at this point. What we aren't trying to say is that it's the most deadly virus to ever affect us. A knife isn't inherently as deadly as a bomb, but we still do our best to avoid being harmed by both, right? At the end of the day, it's up to us to take the precautions we need in order to finish off this virus. It's time we follow in the footsteps of the rest of the world, buck up, follow CDC guidelines, and finally put an end to this pandemic.
I want to protect those who are immunocompromised.
I have friends and family members to whom this virus would be deadly due to their pre-existing health conditions. While I hope they all make sure to take care of themselves, it is also my responsibility to make sure I don't pass the virus on to them, if I come in contact with someone who test positive. This means I ALWAYS wear a mask in public, wash my hands regularly and thoroughly (which thankfully wasn't new to me), and stay away from anyone the best I can when I'm out. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was the reason someone I cared for got the virus and ended up in bad condition, if not dead.
I want to keep myself safe.
I'm aware of the fact that some people have the virus and don't show symptoms. I'm also aware that some people face Hell while having COVID. There's no way to tell what it could be for you. Saying "I'm not afraid of a little virus" practically means that you don't care if you're sick or if you die. Now I won't claim to be the most self-loving person, but I really don't like to be sick. I try to avoid being miserable all I can.
I want this pandemic to end.
Did you know that citizens of other countries are embarrassed for U.S. citizens? Other countries have nearly eradicated the presence of this virus. How, you wonder? They wear masks, they stay away from others, they listen to CDC guidelines. It isn't that difficult. I want things to be normal again. This isn't the "new normal" and it doesn't ever need to be normal. I don't understand what is so difficult about caring for others. Not everyone gets to live comfortably, but sometimes we have to make sacrifices so that we will be better off later in life. It's better we fix what we can now so that we don't have to continue to suffer and wish this pandemic was over.