If I were to base this on my life, I don't take care of myself and make time for myself as much as I should. I mean yes, I do procrastinate, but I don't feel as if I make great use of that time to make sure I'm okay.
Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives and we get so busy that we forget to make time to separate ourselves from the world and all of its constant movement. Being on the go all day, every day of the week can drain one's being and their body will start letting them know one way or another. The idea that we have to work hard in order to survive is great in the sense that we shouldn't expect everything to come to us. It also aids in the stress that we put on our minds, bodies, and emotions daily and yet we rarely rest. We take a long enough break to energize ourselves enough in order to keep pushing our limits to satisfy society and sometimes ourselves.
Me, myself, I don't always take days where I don't have to deal with the constant drama of my own life troubles. I don't disconnect my mind from the mountain of items that seem to multiply on my to-do list. Once I start looking at the list and all of the sub-lists that develop from one word, my brain goes into overload and I start malfunctioning and have to abort mission.
I've been told on several occasions by several people several times that I need to slow down and relax. I need to take the time to worry about Qulea and make sure that she's okay. That she isn't overloading her work palette and forcing herself to take on tasks that take quite a lot out of her.
So whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed and I'm freaking out, I have to sit down and tell myself to prioritize everything on my list in order from most to least important. So then I can get the most important stuff out of the way in order to find ways to be at peace. I watch YouTube, read, sleep (if I can), hang out with friends, and I might even do my own pampering at the house. It's just that you need to find whatever makes you calm and content and do it whenever life starts taking over and your body begins to shut down.