So some people will say "My life is so boring how can I put some spice back into my life." Well here are some ways to do that without resulting to making love.
Join a flash mob
A flash mob is a group of people dancing. If that is for you than do it if not see if they can do a singing flash mob instead. Or maybe an insert your favorite activity here flash mob.
Leave sticky notes everywhere
What is better than paper notes everywhere? Sticky notes. They are fun because of their bright colors and if you put something that you will laugh about on them then you add a bit of spice back into your life.
Making your life a game
You can make your life a game and see how strangely you can do simple human tasks. Just imagine how strangely you can drink something!
Join a new activity
Try something new. If you like it that's great. If not at least you tried something out of your comfort zone.
Adopt an animal
Adopting a new furry friend will be interesting for you. First of all.. if it's a younger animal you have to train them how to do things. And if it is an older animal you will have a great companion and who says you can't teach a dog (or any animal) new tricks? Just remember adopt don't shop, and never leave them.
Get a makeover
Even though this bottom picture doesn't have an LGBT community marker I fully support the LGBT community.
Be whoever you want to be for a short time. Instantly puts spice back into your life.