The other day, I tried sitting outside for an hour without my phone. I had no agenda. I just sat outside and watched the world around me. And it was so refreshing, and unfortunately difficult.
I never realized how attached to my phone I was until I consciously removed it from my life for an hour. As nice as it was to sit down and appreciate what was happening around me, I sat wondering whether or not my friends were texting me or if I would have any missed calls or notifications when I returned. My phone wasn't even with me and yet, it was all I could focus on.
This summer, I challenge you to put down your phone, intentionally, for a period of time each day - this could be alone or with company. Why?
1. It's rude not to (when with company).
How many times have you tried to have a conversation with someone who was 'listening' while messing around on their phone? We've all done it. It makes so much of a difference to give someone your undivided attention. It is important to connect with the individuals right in front of you. A face to face conversation is much more meaningful than the text you'll send them later is.
2. It will help you become more empathetic.
Having a face to face conversation is one of the most humanizing things we can do as humans. Here, we can experience the simple joy of being heard and understood. You can focus on the person in front of you instead of splitting your time.
3. Relationships with your significant other will be better.
The term "pphubbing" was coined in a 2015 study conducted by Baylor University that showed, of the 453 adults surveyed, 46.3% were being “Pphubbed” by their partner, leading to lower levels of satisfaction in relationships.
4. Memories are more special.
I am so guilty of this one. Memories become much more personal and special when only you have them. Start experiencing the world, instead of viewing it through your screen as you take pictures of it.
5. You are missing the world around you.
Sitting inside on a beautiful day glued to social media and staring at the artificial light from your screen is nothing compared to appreciating the world around you.
Soak up life.