There are so many times where I found myself asking, “what is next?” or “why is this happening in my life?” My whole life, I have been worried about what is coming next. I felt like I was never truly present in the moment, rather I was thinking about everything but that moment many times. Until this past year, I didn’t have very strong faith. I didn’t know this at the time, but faith is exactly what I was missing all those years. All the anxiety and confusion, simply because I was trying to control everything in my life and didn’t have patience.
Slowly, I started giving my worries to God. As hard as it was in the beginning, I tested out having patience and giving things time. I started to focus more on the present more than what was possibly coming next. Every time I gave God my worries and fears, He took care of them. When I put my trust in Him, my anxiety about the future slowly faded away. I constantly reminded myself that whatever is meant to happen, will happen regardless of my constant anxiety.
There are so many things in this life that are out of our control. There are going to be so many challenges and trials that we face that we don’t understand why and may make us doubt our faith. These are the times when our faith needs to become stronger. When life throws you something you feel as if you cannot handle, give it to God and he will surprise you in so many ways. At the time we may not know what He is doing with our lives, but when we give it time we suddenly begin to see why things had to happen the way that they did. Life is full of learning lessons and opportunity for growth if we maintain a positive mindset and an abundance of faith.
I find that through every trial I have been faced with this past year, I have come out even stronger than I ever thought that I could be. I could have taken everything that life has thrown my way and looked at it as a reason to lose faith. A reason to fall apart and stop trying. Instead, God gave me the power and the strength to push through and look at the potential of growth in every situation. We all have our struggles. We all will have battles. It’s how we handle them and the lessons we take out of them that truly matter.
We do not have the ability to control everything, nor would we want to. This is why we need to give it to God. For He will take care of us and be by our sides through the best and the worst times of our lives. There is so much power and beauty in faith. I will continue to put my faith into God’s plan and know that He has wonderful things in store for me.