Over the past few years, cell phones have taken the focus off of in person conversations, and put it on virtual interactions.
While in some senses this can be a good thing, the majority points in the other direction. Texting has completely changed the way humans communicate with each other for the worse.
As texting and cell phone use has only recently become an issue in today’s society, it has become a necessity as well as a burden. Cell phones have proven to be helpful when in times of danger, as it is easy to call 911 with great ease in a matter of seconds, without having to seek out help at the nearest populated area. However when it comes down to humans interacting with each other, it has been found to be distracting, as well as rude in some cases. When at the dinner table, it is important to keep conversation flowing without a screen to the face rather than a human. People have a harder time communicating to each other, as there are distractions elsewhere that to some may be more intriguing than the person they are faced with. The real issue is when humans are no longer speaking to each other, but rather are texting one another from across the room. This setting happens more frequently than anyone would like to admit.
Social media has completely blown up over the past decade, with new and improved technology popping up out of nowhere. It is easy to share daily tasks with followers with a touch of a button. Many use this as a way to prove their lives are interesting, or to have as many followers as possible. The problem with this is that when in a social setting with this individual, they are more often than not more intrigued by their phone and social media outlets than they are with the person they are in contact with. In this time, it seems as though it is more important to make your life seem interesting, than to be able to carry a conversation with a friend for more than five minutes without picking up the phone and being fully engulfed by technology. The real issue is that people cannot go anywhere or do anything without their precious phones at arms reach at all times.
When phones are added into the equation, it seems as though humans cannot function without it. Dinner table conversations are turned into empty conversation with lit up phone screens speaking to those who are not presently there. It seems as though people are never happy with the ones they are spending time with, as the majority of the time we are communicating and wishing we were with someone other than who is in front of us. Even when we spend time with those we spend hours texting, we are still inclined to reach for the small piece of technology to fill empty conversation. What needs to change is how much time humans choose to spend on their phones. If people stopped using phones to text other people and had an in depth conversation with others, maybe the “need” for technology would disappear. For many, it’s hard to go even ten minutes without looking are or reaching for their phones as it is a natural reflex for some at this point.
When humans learn to put distractions aside and be fully present with their lives instead of wishing it away, it may be possible to have normal conversation with others. Social media and texting can be of help in certain situations, but all in all, real life conversations, or even phone calls are much more effective than twiddling our thumbs at a fast pace to get pointless conversations across. It is important to be present in day to day life, or people may dig themselves deeper into being unable to hold in person conversations.