You may have clicked on this article thinking, "Oh my gosh, why is Moriah using such a dirty word?!"
Maybe you already know about the Pussy Hat Project and the Women's Marches and you are totally on board with the whole movement.
For the former, the Pussy Hat Project was co-founded by Krista Suh and Jayna Zweiman. The movement is to take several items that are characteristically known as "women's" and use them to unite not only people in our country but around the world as well.
As seen on this poster, the Pussy Hats are handmade ("women's work") to celebrate the arts, any shade of pink (because pink represents compassion, caring, and love but can be seen as weak), and celebrate individuality by allowing people to customize and personalize them.
Okay, you're probably still wondering, "WHY PUSSY?!?!"
This is a word that is often used in a derogatory sense.
"Women are weak. Women are only their bodies. It's okay for me to talk in vulgar terms about anyone."
The more power you give a word, the more power it has. Take no shenanigans. Shut down people who are degrading others, and take the value away from their harsh, dirty words.
Take, for example, the story of Harry Potter. Most of the wizards and witches were terrified of the Dark Lord. Others called him "He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named".The longer that no one used Voldemort's name, the more terrified they were of the unknown evil.
I believe that the same thing carries in our world today. Stigmas exist when we refuse to have conversations. Fear exists when we don't have knowledge about the world around us.
We never truly know anyone's thoughts or motivations until we talk with them.
This post explains how the movement has spread throughout the country so quickly. I decided on the day of to crochet a hat and here's why:
First off, I, along with many other women and men, have been a victim of sexual assault. I was dismayed to hear President Trump talking so graphically about a woman and her body with Billy Bush. My heart hurt for the women who came forward to share about being assaulted by our new President, only to have their stories shut down. After the results of the election were made final, I posted this article directed at those who were hurting.
I care far more about people in general than one person in the oval office.
Brene Brown shared this picture yesterday. In her post, she shared why she chose to attend the Women's March with her daughter.
Part of her caption reads, "Do I pray for Trump and his ability to lead us in a united, respectful way that acknowledges the importance of all people? YES. I'm on the plane. Why would I want the pilot to fail? I will pray and hold him accountable to defend the rights of all people. I will make sure my voice is heard. That's my responsibility as a citizen."
I agree with her. I do not wish for President Trump to fail; rather I hope to be pleasantly surprised.
However, we (the people of the world) need to make changes to our culture. That is why I chose to speak out. I want women and men to be valued for their own unique qualities, passions, and strengths.
I want my brothers to protect my sisters, along with any men or women who are around them.
I want my sisters to do the same.
I long for a generation that grows up watching others support and love one another. That's what this is about for me. Because I have privileges and I can stand up for women and men around the world. I can change the meanings of words, and I have the ability to impact unformed minds.
To the young girls and boys of today:
You are strong. You are brave. You are able to make a difference. Your unique passions and strengths are so wonderful.
Do not let anyone tell you that you are only your body. You have so much more to offer to the world.
It's okay to have feelings. Sometimes you will laugh harder than you think humanly possible, but you will cry on other days.
Any color can be your favorite because colors don't have genders.
You can have friends who are girls and friends who are boys. You don't have to date to be friends.
Your gender is never an excuse for behavior.
Have hope. Terms end, new leaders come to power.
Rest in those who love you.
Most importantly: Jesus loves you, no matter who you are.