Comfort zone- a place or situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress.
The state of being content with your surroundings and a state of being consistent.
This is a feeling I know all too well about.
I have always been the type of person who always had a routine and had a set group of friends throughout my entire life. I knew just about everyone around me.
It was not very uncommon for me to go somewhere in my town and not see at least one person I knew.
I was comfortable with my life. I hadn't really known anything different. I knew that if I was gonna life, I had to change something. Almost everything changed when I came to college.
I went somewhere different than everyone in my high school,
Where I didn't know anyone.
I at first really kept to myself; being the introvert I am.
This was definitely a scary thing.
I found myself holding back so much.
I find myself wanting to fall back on everyone at home.
I normally find comfort in the people I've known for forever.
Home is where the people I find comfort in reside.
But a big part of college is stepping out of your comfort zone and meeting new people right?
I thought that this was gonna be pretty easy.
Oh was I so wrong.
With so many unfamiliar faces and unfamiliar places, I find myself wanting to hold back and being scared of new people and new experiences.
I found myself holding back and wanting to hide; to fall back into other patterns or back on the people at home to help me make almost decision in life because I was scared I was gonna make the wrong decision.
Sometimes when we think we have made the wrong decision, in the long run it may lead us to something way better.
But if there's anything I've learned in life, it is to just go all in for the ride and just trust everything's going to be okay.