Being depressed is probably one of the worst feelings. There are days when you fight to get out of bed and when you finally do, you spend the rest of the day with your stomach in knots and feeling sad.The worst part is not knowing how long it will last.
I have dealt with depression for about ten years now. I have tried antidepressants and therapy neither of which did the trick for me. It started making me feel hopeless.
Then recently, I was going through a bout of depression and I started thinking about what I could do for myself to make it through. Of course, there is no overnight cure, but I bet these tips will help in some way when suffering from depression.
1. Be social
I know personally, when I am depressed I find it hard to want to be around anybody. I am much more comfortable hiding in my bedroom away from the world. Recently, I have made more of an effort to hang out with friends and be social and although it doesn't take things completely away, it has certainly helped. I found it is good to surround yourself with people who can make you laugh and are positive. It rubs off.
2. Find something positive about each day
I get it. When you are depressed, the days suck. There is no way to sugar coat it. Trying to find anything positive is tough because most of the time you just can't see it. As hard as it is, you have to force yourself to find something. Maybe work went well that day, or a stranger smiled at you as you passed by. The more you do this, the easier it gets.
3. Build a support system
We all have a least one or two people that we can lean on when we aren't doing so well. Whether its a parent, another family member or a friend, there are people who want to help. Its okay to let them know you are struggling. I know its easy to worry that you're a burden, but those who love you will not see it that way. Talking about it is extremely important.
4. Laugh as much as possible
Again, I know this is something that can be very hard to do but you'll be surprised how good you feel after a good hard laugh. A friend suggested to me to watch comedy when I am having a tough time and it helps. While you're laughing you start to realize that eventually, everything is going to be okay.
Of course, there are many other things that one can do to help them through depression, but these are the ones that stand out to me because I have found them to be the most helpful. It is hard not to get caught up in the sad emotions that depression wraps you up in, but it is important to remember that it does and will get better.