Webster's dictionary defines happiness as, "a feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life, situation, etc."
It's no secret that different things make different people happy. For some it's money, for others, it's family. This week I decided to step out of my comfort zone and find out what makes the average Bostonian truly happy. The question simply was, what is your definition of happiness? Their responses went far beyond materialistic things or even friends and family.
"My definition of happiness is having that warm fuzzy feeling and mental satisfaction knowing that just for a moment, everything is okay and looking up." RV, 18
"Happiness is a state of mind. You don't need something good to happen to be happy. It is a feeling that you can control if you have the right positive outlook on life. Every moment can be a happy moment." CB, 18
"Happiness is freedom." SL, 18"Family, friends, & sleep." SY, 18
Of all the millennials I spoke with, the vast majority of them seemed to agree that happiness is not necessarily and overwhelming or long lasting sensation; but rather something that is experienced in a moment. With this in mind, I took my question to the next generation.
"Happiness is when I get through the morning without one of my children peeing their pants- which is rare." LC, 34
"Happiness is seeing my wife smile." DD, 42
"I'm happiest when my kids are proud of me, when they see what I do and it inspires them." JD, 46
"I'm happiest when I see my kids succeed." AK, 45
This generations happiness is filled not with their own successes, but watching the ones they love succeed. Finally I took my question to a generation who experienced happiness before any of the millennials I spoke with were born.
"Happiness is seeing all my kids, my kids kids, and my kids kids kids, smiling- its doesn't happen very often." EF, 76
"Happiness is when you smile, thats all." EG, 79
"I'm happy when I can look back at the memories I've made and realize that even though I may not have accomplished everything I wanted to, I've had a great life." LH, 84
So no matter the generation, everyone seems to agree, your own happiness is whatever you choose it to be, and it lies in your hands. So live in the now and do whatever makes you smile. Because although happiness may only last for a moment, its a moment worth while.
Stay Golden, Kayla