The last few weeks I’ve been thinking of the definition of beauty. It’s a hard word to define. What makes something beautiful? It’s more of a feeling than a fact. Something can be beautiful because it’s different, or because someone or something seems perfect. But what makes us interpret this thing or person as beautiful? What makes this thing or person different from the ordinary? It’s cliché to say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, but I think the interpretation of beauty is somewhat in the optimism of the viewer’s perspective. We find beauty in the things that give us hope. I see beauty as a ‘glimpse of heaven’. It’s a secret, hidden by the Creator begging to be discovered. When we see these qualities in a person we interpret these characteristics as beauty. Our eyes are captivated by outward beauty, but our hearts are captivated by inward beauty. Inward beauty is stronger and longer lasting. This beauty is the expression of love through acts of kindness and is experienced through the appreciation of these acts. Outward beauty is the appreciation of aesthetics, while inward is the interpretation of love.
I know most girls, and even guys for that matter have insecurities about their outward appearance. Maybe you don't feel good enough or pretty enough. But if we stop focusing on the outward things we can't change and start focusing the inward things that we can, the inward will eventually shine through our outward imperfections and turn into something beautiful. If each day you can say 'I am a better person today than I was yesterday' you are well on your way to becoming the person you are meant to be! Life is so much richer when we learn to accept our imperfections and appreciate the beauty in the people around us! So leave your insecurities behind, love and encourage others, and strive to be better than who you were yesterday! I believe this is the key to discovering beauty that is worth pursuing!