You've Already Been Pursued By The Love Of Your Life | The Odyssey Online
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You've Already Been Pursued By The Love Of Your Life

You've Already Been Pursued By The Love Of Your Life
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"I just want to be pursued."

"I just want to know that I'm worth something."

"Where is my Boaz?"

"Am I worth it?"

These statements reflect the heartache that stems from one of Christian women's deepest desires: the longing to be pursued. The feminine heart is a fragile, beautiful thing that when damaged, corrupts and crushes the very core of a woman. One of the hardest, yet I would say, most frequent idols that many women face is approval and the desire for the love of a Godly man. God created us, as human beings, to be relational and to experience intimate relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ. But ultimately, God created us to have an ultimate relationship with him, one that surpasses all others.

And though it is ingrained in our heads and hearts that God is enough, Christ is sufficient, and that he is the only one who will satisfy our souls, we still seek the things of this world because we believe they will ultimately bring us more joy than God ever could.

So when it comes to Christian women's desire for a relationship, this is devastating. This longing for the Godly man over the God who made the man destroys the feminine heart. When we as women desire a man more than we desire God, we place our value, our worth, and our hope in mere men who can never reach our expectations or satisfy us in the way that our Heavenly Father can.

But rather than preach on the importance of being content in the Lord, preaching the message we as women are all too familiar with, I'm going to tell you that you have already experienced the love of a lifetime. You have already found your Boaz, your Hosea. You have already been pursued. You have already had someone look at you, someone who has seen you at your worst and at your best, who knows every intimate detail of your being, and who every day looks at you and says, "You are valued. You are loved. You are cherished."

You have already encountered someone who has pursued your heart when you were at your worst. I'm not talking about when you had your worst breakout, your worst test score, your worst bad hair day. Someone saw you when you were at your ugliest, when you were doing your worst, when you were deliberately hurting him and those around you, and even in that ugliness, he pursued you. He pursued you, he found you, he cherished you, and he died for you.

Jesus has rescued your heart, revealed your beauty, and fought for you. He didn't just pursue you once, he continually pursues you. He sacrificially loves you every day. He seeks you and he continues to seek you.

Christ, knowing you at your worst, knowing every part of you better than you know yourself, has never and will never stop loving and pursuing you.

Of what other person in your life could you say these things about? What love could compare to the love of your Father, who romances your soul and cherishes every part of your being?

Christ wants to pursue you. Christ doesn't say you are worth something, he says you are worth everything. His love is captivating and you are his beloved.

You've already been pursued by the love of your life. Go find out who he is. Go find out who he says you are.

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