One of the most intimidating things is choosing an occupation while you are a college student pursuing your undergraduate degree. You may have a general idea of a career that seems appealing to you but until you actually witness firsthand experience in this field, you will not have a true idea. Throughout the hustle and bustle of undergraduate studies and the various responsibilities that come with this phase of life, the pursuit of a career can sometimes be put on the backburner. Yet, the point of attending college is to ultimately become qualified to work a specific occupation.
Although, this can be challenging to figure out and super head-spinning to contemplate, it should probably be happening sooner rather than later.
Furthermore, if you have any doubts about what you want to do, that is fine. It is probably more common than you may initially think. If you originally thought that you wanted to pursue one career, but then are exposed to something else and have decided that you want to shift gears, then go for it. Do not worry about what other people are going to think about you or how they are going to react to your change in occupation goals. Ultimately, the only person who should be affected by your career is YOU.
One of the most important things to think about when deciding what career option is best for you is considering whether you will be happy in that position. Striving to be content in your career is super important. While it is necessary to realize that not every minute of any occupation is going to be utter happiness, yet it is a good idea to ask whether you see yourself feeling fulfilled pursuing this job. Ask yourself if you can envision yourself carrying out this occupation and doing so by a means in which you are feeling satisfied. If the answer to that is no, then this career probably is not meant for you. This is better to figure out now, while you are not in the middle of it, rather than later when it's too late to go back and make different path decisions.
Oftentimes, the sole focus of undergraduate students is to meet all the class requirements for their degree and boost up their resumes with additional responsibilities to appear more marketable for employers. However, a good point to evaluate is figuring out what you actually want to do with your life post-undergrad. If you are working so hard and so diligently to make yourself marketable for a worthwhile post-grad life, then shouldn't you be sure that the career goal you are working to attain is something that you are satisfied with?
In conclusion, it is OK if you don't know for sure what you want to do. What needs to be done is that you deeply consider where you see yourself working as a professional for a major portion of your life. If you cannot imagine that you are happy there, then why pursue it? Do not let anyone suppress your dreams; check out your options and do extensive research to figure you feel good about pursuing this occupation. After all, you are the one who has to hold the job for a portion of your life, shouldn't you feel proud, inspired, motivated, and fulfilled when doing it?