About a week ago I sat among 8 bright, hardworking mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters. I only to asked them the most honest question I could think of. And believe it or not many of their answers were very interesting and mood changing. Some had doubt, some had faith, and many just relied on hope. I asked each individual the same question. "What does the purpose of life mean to you?" Many may be thinking that this is an easy question, that the answer would just click in your head. However, each individual had their own opinion. Not one answer was the same! This question was thought on for minutes. Why was that? Some people answers elaborated more than others. A few answers were brief and straight forward. Here is what they had to say:
Question: What does the purpose of life mean to you?
Frank G: To live a Godly life that contributes to society. To be happy and make others happy. To multiply for the continuation of your family.
Brandi: That's something that I have been asking myself. Only thing I can come up with is that it consists of life and death. You love every day just to die at the end.
Lisa Ray: The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful and to be honorable. Life is to be compassionate and to make some difference in life.
Ty Gurley: The purpose is to LIVE.... in LOVE! Be fruitful, love one another, and realize our identity.
Dallas: The purpose of life is to live well and help other, less fortunate people if you're doing great. The most important purpose is to live Godly to make it to heaven. Living healthy is another and buying a home, so your family and grandchildren will have have a home and everyone will be able to visit you. Living drama free with no stress is the best way to live. Stay classy and make it heaven with my fellow people.
Frank L: Everybody has a different "version" of their purpose of life. My purpose of life is to be an advocate to those who couldn't do for themselves. I found my purpose at a very young age and every effort to live my life according to that mindset.
Jane Doe: My purpose in life is to provide for my family and be a queen to my husband.
Jaycee: In life we often take many things for granted. The ability to walk, talk, eat, and much more are all basic skills and abilities that seem so easy to us. Many individual strive to be the best, the smartest, the hottest, and we often forget about the little things. Our families, friends, and jobs are most important at the end of the day. Life is full of so much for every person, whether they know it and accept it or not. People often believe that to "have a good life," you must have materialistic things. But life has so much and is much more than that. The purpose of life is to be happy with who you are. Be happy for what you have. Be happy that you were given life and have the oppunity to be you and do more. The purpose of life is to love with your whole heart, whether it's a child, spouse, pet, or job. To understand that life is about learning and growing. It's a part of doing what is fun and having fun. We as people must love ourselves and life even in the hardest times. We must know there is always an up and we were given this life because it's up to us to make it full of purpose. The purpose of life is up to each of us. So Love it!