I have realized, a few months into my freshman year at William Jessup University, that I love to serve. After coming into my faith and becoming a Christian, helping people was very appealing. So I volunteered for things when I could manage them and other times I would sacrifice my own responsibilities to make someone else's day just a little bit easier.
Growing up however, while I still love to help others, especially if I get to use my hands and prove myself as a handyman, I have come to create a few boundaries for myself. I came to this place of realizing that I can't keep putting off my own responsibilities just to help someone else out when they are in need. I also realized that, I was beginning to find my own personal happiness and joy and fulfillment in the validation of others showing their appreciation for me and what I could do for them which was very unhealthy.
Which brings me to the title, Purpose Driven, because it is important to find the right reason for doing things. Genuinely wanting to help others with no strings attached is key to servanthood.
So I have come to a healthy place to serve others. Helping them partly when I can and partly when I cannot but not every time. Having a balanced mindset where I can evaluate the sacrifices and going from there has made my efforts all the more healthy.
Although I will admit still that if you ask me to help install something, fix your car or put up a new fence for you, it is extremely hard for me to say no to good company among my projects. Along with that I also love a free meal for my hard work, so if we are friends and you could use a hand, don't hesitate to look my way, but don't expect me to drop what I am doing either.