To me, purple will always represent more than just a color.
Many people see the color purple and they associate it with raising money for cancer or alzheimer’s research. While those illnesses definitely need attention and devotion, often times they overshadow an epidemic that is ever present in our society; domestic violence.
Purple is the national color for domestic violence awareness, education and prevention.
Domestic violence is any type of physical, verbal, emotional or financial act that harms another person in a romantic relationship, a family relationship or sometimes a friendship. Domestic violence is an issue that often gets brushed under the rug and is something that many people shy away from talking about. The victim is too embarrassed or the loved one does not know how to help. Domestic violence is taking the lives of too many innocent people.
Purple is the color that represents the severe intimate partner violence that one out of four women and one out of seven men will experience in their lifetime.
We see cases of domestic violence all over the country, but often do not realize what we are actually witnessing. We see scratches and bruises on the faces of our friends, we look at couples yelling and screaming at each other, we hear partners downgrading each other’s self confidence by using words like “bitch” and “asshole”, and we stand by as we see people have their money and spending controlled by their significant other. We accept these situations as the norm and pass them by, but we all know that no human being should ever abuse another human being.
Purple is the color that represents the 18,500,000 mental health visits that occur because of intimate partner violence.
We see all of the warning signs everyday and we worry about our friends and family, but why don’t we say anything or try to stop what’s going on? Why are we scared to help protect our loved ones?
Purple is the color that represents the third leading cause of homelessness among families.
No one thinks twice about domestic violence in relationships until we hear about an awful tragedy on the news. It takes sadness to bring out drive and passion for a change in people. All of us have witnessed some of our favorite celebrities and athletes exhibit behaviors of domestic violence. We hardly ever see them suffer the consequences because people forgive easily and forget the severity of domestic violence on victims. We let them back into Hollywood and games because we care more about our entertainment than the suffering that others endured. We need to stop waiting for domestic violence to slap us in the face and start taking a stand.
Purple is the color that represents the 25 percent of physical assault cases that are reported to the police and the 75 percent that aren’t.
Many of us believe that we cannot stop domestic violence from occurring. We think that people will always hurt each other emotionally and physically. It does not have to be that way. We can be the cure to end domestic violence. We have the ability to create a world where people know how to love and respect each other all of the time. The grand gestures are not always what makes the difference, it is the little acts that can change someone’s life.
Purple is the color that represents the 81 percent of women that are stalked by a current or former partner and who are also being physically abused.
You can help be a part of the movement to end domestic violence. The cure starts with us. We can educate young men and women on healthy relationships, make them aware of the signs of an abusive relationship, and teach them that it is okay to say “no”. We can empower our youth and fill them with the self-confidence that they may need one day to leave an abusive relationship. We can tell others of resources that they can go to if they find themselves or another in a violent situation. You can ask your friend if she or he is okay. You can help them get to safe place. We can write letters to the National Football League asking for a Domestic Violence Awareness Month, in addition to Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We can teach others about domestic violence and tell them about how they can be a part of the movement. We can prevent domestic violence by living our lives in a loving manner and treat everyone with respect.
Purple is the color that represents the 20 people that are victims of intimate partner violence every minute.
If you are in an abusive relationship or know someone that is, know that you can get out. Know that your family and friends will accept you no matter what. Know that there are resources, centers, therapists, coaches and support groups that are trained and will understand. Know that you are not alone. You are strong, you have a voice and you can get out.
Purple is the color that represents the ones that are fighting for their lives, the fighters, the survivors and the ones that are helping to make this epidemic decrease.
Purple is the color that represents all of the women and children that I have gotten to meet that have gotten out.
4,774,000 women experience physical violence by an intimate partner every year.
Let’s get 4,774,000 down to zero.
If you need help, call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) for the National Domestic Violence Hotline or visit the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline operated by RAINN. For more resources, visit the National Sexual Violence Resource Center’s website.