I dyed my hair purple during my second semester of my freshman year of college and regret absolutely nothing. Sometimes things just have to get a little weird now and then.
1. There's no better time then the NOW.
By the time you go home for break it will ~probably~ be washed out or faded... your parents won't even have to know.
2. Because someone told you ~not~ to dye your hair purple in college.
It's all about fighting the good fight, right?
3. For the 'gram, duh.
Purple hair definitely spices up the aesthetic of your page, I will not lie. Every VSCO filter compliments the hair very nicely.
4. You are a lot easier to find on campus.
"No seriously, just look for the tall girl with purple hair! You can't miss me."
5. You get to meet a lot of cool strangers.
Nevertheless, you meet really kind people. Purple hair is just approachable.
You have purple hair, and you are totally rocking it. Take that purple hair to class and OWN it.
7. You can tell your future kids that you really were cool, one time, a long time ago.
I.e my purple hair debut instagram caption: "one time in college I dyed my hair purple" "wow mom, you're so cool."
8. Sometimes you just need to do something drastic.
The hair goes purple or I'm dropping out. A possibly empty threat, but who knows.
9. It's ~edgy~ so by comparison, you're a total badass.
10. You can wear it any way you want and it looks awesome.
Unbrushed and greasy still looks pretty cool because your hair is purple.
11. It is so much fun!
Life's a blur with purple hair...
12. #MermaidHairDon'tCare
I'm sure if Tyra Banks was here she would tell you to dye your hair too.
13. Because you can do whatever you want with your hair!
So here's a toast to you, cheers for taking charge of your hair and doing whatever makes you happy! Purple hair FTW.