Several years ago, I attended a seminar which was directed towards teens on the concept of sexual purity. At this seminar, which was called "The Silver Ring Thing", I pledged an oath to myself, my future husband, and God, that I would not give my virginity to any man before my wedding day. I received a silver ring to put on my ring finger to hold the place until it was replaced with an engagement ring and/or wedding band.
But is that it? Is that all that its about? Just being part of the abstinence club?
Of course not. It's about saving that special gift for the person that God made for you and you alone. Its also about showing how much you value God's love towards you. God's love covers every desire of your heart. Of course God gave us the nature to want that special someone, but we do not need that other person. Love is choosing to be with them. We need God, and only when you and your partner are fully desiring God's love first will you cherish each other to the absolute fullest.
At the end of the day, we are still human; we still struggle with fleshly desires and lust, and it's not always easy to resist the temptations, especially in this day and age. Sex is everywhere you look, but He also promises that He will never let a temptation be so big that you can not overcome it. I believe that when you give yourself to multiple people, a piece of yourself always remains with them, and it makes it that much harder to give your full heart to the one meant for you. Sex is a very sacred thing, and sadly people have made it mean almost nothing.
I also encourage people to respect their bodies and hold themselves to a higher standard. Ladies, you are beautiful and deserve to be treated with the upmost respect and care. Your worth is more than your mind is even capable of understanding, because God tells us that you were "intricately woven in the depths of the earth". You are "fearfully and wonderfully made." He tells us that we are "God's chosen ones, holy and beloved. How amazing is it that God sees us in that way? I think God knows how incredible sex is, and that's why He wanted us to share it with someone who tries to see us through God's eyes, rather than the way society objectifies us. God says that you are worth more and He wants us to enjoy the blessing He set before us, at the right time.
This idea is very rare these days, and people tend to look at me funny when they find out I believe it. But I have also met a lot of people who respect me more because of the commitment I have made. I just hope and pray that the man God has for me is doing the same. Set yourself a part. Be the light.