It's a pleasure to meet you.
People can always surprise you, make you learn things that you never thought you would ever need. Are you suppose to meet people that make you think? Make you learn about yourself more?
What if I never met you? Would I still learn? Would I still be who I am today?
There is this quote that speaks of people you meet; "We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason." There's a reason to meet everyone, whether it is a pure accident, or it's meant to be.
There's a lot to say about the people that impact your life for the best, make you want to be a better person. The cool thing is that there are those people out there that you're meant to meet. It's like your path in life was suppose to take the course that it had and it guides you to these people. And maybe it weird to think like that sometimes, but you wonder, why did I meet the people that I've met in my life?
I wouldn't even be able to begin to understand who or where I would be without you. From all of the laughs, to even the life lessons, just being there to talk to. Simple things that people take for granted are something that should be cherished. Figuring out the reasons why meeting someone who will eventually change your life for maybe the best, is insane.
Especially for me, being a shy kid and learning that is it absolutely okay to speak my mind, learning how to manage time, and just learn to live. People become who they are because of the people they surround themselves with.They teach you to be yourself, they come into your life at a point in time because there must be a reason for it.
College has made me meet a lot of people that I never thought would mean a lot more to me than I thought I could. There are people out there who have experiences that you might not have at that moment in time. College has shown me a lot about people, some good some bad, but so many priceless and memorable things. I've met people who encourage me to be the best I can be, try things that I could never do and make life a little bit more happier. I couldn't imagine my life being the way it was before I met some of the best people in my life. I couldn't be prouder knowing anyone else in my life.
People can forever surprise you and maybe that the cool thing about it, life gives your these moments in life and you either take them, or you chose another path. Whatever happens, you'll meet people on the way that will teach you how to be a better person.