In the ideal world, every college student would have time every day to sit down for a leisurely meal surrounded by friends. However, more often than not, "lunch" constitutes grabbing a Snickers before chemistry lab and eating it with one hand on the bus while you scribble your pre-lab with the other. Lucky for Purdue students, On-The-Go makes meals on the run easier than ever! At three locations around campus students can grab a quick sandwich or a few snacks using meal swipes in five minutes or less. The question then becomes: which On-The-Go is for me?
3) Earhart Dining Hall
While it is true that Earhart On-The-Go offers the same choices as every other location (one entree + three sides for a single swipe) the location is what stops many students from utilizing this location. Earhart dining hall is located between Earhart and Shreve Residence Halls across the street from Hillenbrand Residence Hall. Besides the students that live in these residence halls, Earhart is pretty far away from any of the class buildings and residence halls such as Wiley, Windsor, Owen, Cary, and Tarkington. It is not a convenient location for a student to pop into and grab something for lunch unless they are on the way to or from class and they live in the area. In my discussions with others about On-The-Go dining I only encountered a few that had more than once or regularly frequented Earhart On-The-Go.
2) Ford Dining Hall
Ford happened to be my favorite dining hall last year, as I'm sure many of you agree. While this was probably because I lived right next to it, it still counts! Ford is located pretty central to Tarkington, Cary, and Owen Residence Halls. Ford is relatively close to class buildings, being only about a five-minute walk from Armstrong and the surrounding class Engineering Mall buildings. Ford is especially convenient for residents in the surrounding area as they are on their way to class.
1) Windsor Dining Hall
Windsor is the reigning champ for convenience and ease when it comes to On-The-Go dining options. Windsor has a great location right next to Krach Leadership Center. Windsor has also saved many a frazzled student in the midst of a frantic cram session with no time to run over to Wiley for a sit-down lunch or dinner. Students can easily run in on the way to, or from, class! The sweet lady that worked at the ID swipe counter was always a sure pick-me-up as well.