My favorite dog breeds!
I just love cuddly puppies and dogs; I cannot wait to own one!
Australian Shepherd!
They are one of the prettiest dogs I have ever seen. They are also super smart and take directions very well! I love the way that their coats look with all of their different colors and spots.
Chow Chows!
I have always held a special place in my heart for Chow Chows. My parents owned them before I was born and I cannot wait to hopefully have one of my own one day. Most people think they are super aggressive and that they dislike other dogs but that just is not true. They are so puffy and they are just like a big pillow!
These are one of my absolute favorites, I had a best friend in elementary school that had a Dalmatian and he was the sweetest dog. He only got excited if he got to outside but he would always somehow get out of their fence and put him back up. He has ben one of my favorite dogs ever.
I adore Pit bull’s they are some of the sweetest little things on this planet. They make me so happy. So many people do not like this breed but I love them with my whole life.
I currently own a dog like this and I love her so much! They are such good travel dogs and they will love you for forever. They love to give hugs and kisses and they love visitors!
I adore these types of dogs, I owned three and I have loved having everyone of them. Yes they bark a lot but they are really good dogs. And they are just too cute! I will probably own more in my lifetime!
Oh my gosh, what can I say, I absolutely love Pugs. They are the cutest and I love all the funny faces they make. They are such little dogs and have always been one of my favorite dogs.
German Shepherds!
These dogs are such good and loyal dogs. they do so much for our country and for our police. They are super smart dogs and they love their families so much. And they are so beautiful.
OH MY GOSH! These are the most pretty and little dogs I have ever seen. Their faces are so sweet, and they love to dance to anything and love to have fun and play!
These have to be one of the most breath taking dogs, they are so majestic and such loyal dogs. they pull sleds and when they are with other dogs they love them just as much as they love you.
Great Danes!
They are such big puppies and big dogs. they are just big goofs. They think that they are lap dogs and they can not be. They are wonderful dogs and love you immensely.
These puppies are so little and so sweet. They are always happy to greet you at your door and always love to cuddle!!
Here are some of my favorite dogs I hope you loved them!