Anti-fascists are punching Nazis in the face and it's good.
Like, *so* good.
But naturally (*insert eye-rolling emoji right. about. here), there are people who think that this fantastical, excellent thing, is actually bad...
Right? And so like, on a number of occasions I've had the ill fortune of encountering some of these people in my personal life. People who claim to be against fascist principles, but feel that "violence is not the answer;" that it'll "only hurt the cause."
The conversation usually goes something like this:
Me: Neo-nazis harbor & promote fascist views that they *know* are fascist. They are xenophobes with sociopathic tendencies–or, at the very least, anti-social personalities. They can not be *reasoned* with because they don't possess any concept of morality–as we understand it. Simply put: they do not operate on the same plane of thought as others.
Them: But...have you *tried reasoning* with them?
Me: I haven't, because that would be like trying to reason with Michael Myers before he tries to stab you. Others have. It hasn't worked.
Them: But violence doesn't solve anything *you have to use your words*
Me: Sociopathic people don't care about words. The only way to possibly prevent yourself from being targeted by them is to not come across as an easy target. i.e punching one in the face to demonstrate that you are not to be fucked with. This is an effective deterrent.
Them: But, but-words-peace-420-shrooms-non-violence-music festival
Me: .....
Them: Violence doesn't lead to change. You Have To Use Your Wo0Ooordssdssordsszuh.
But, also them: *When someone's spreading xenophobic speech, or attacking another person, right in front of their faces & it's the perfect time to use those words they're always talking about*
So, I invite these people who insist that they're all about peace & equality–assuming that it's all not just for the sake of assuming a particular aesthetic–but choose to do nothing in an effort to push towards either one of those standards, while synchronously challenging those who *are* taking action, to kindly, "SHUT THE FUCK UP."
And that's all I have to say about that.
TTYl8r- Kip