It’s that time of year again, ladies and gentlemen. Hang on to your boot straps and prepare yourself for the massive wave of white girls, dressed in their Ugg boots, who get in a rush over their pumpkin spice lattes.
Now, we all know what time of year it is. The leaves are changing color and drifting to the ground, it’s getting colder and colder by the day, and the days seem to be getting shorter and shorter as well. The culmination of these events is the beautiful season called Fall.
To some girls fall means pulling out the Ugg boots, leggings, and sweaters, but to this girl, fall means pulling out the jeans, boots, and camouflage. To me, fall is that wonderful time of the year where I get to go hunting and cut firewood.
This may seem like work to you, but to me, this is the best therapy no amount of money could ever buy. Imagine walking through the forest: there is no consistent noise of traffic or people. The only noise is the leaves crunching beneath your feet and maybe a bird chirping every now and again.
It's early in the morning still, and with every exhale you create a small cloud of fog. You reach the peak of the first ridge, and all you can see for miles is mountain tops poking out of the layer of morning fog that covers the basin. You get home, eat everything in sight, and nap for a few hours then go outside to cut some firewood. As you lift the ax time and time again you start to notice a type of rhythm in each swing. It’s almost musical.
This, all of this, is my fall, the fall that I love and miss while I’m away for school.
When fall hits the Lewis-Clark Valley, you can’t exactly tell its fall. The colors of the leaves have changed, but it’s never really cold. It’s just a hint of what might come. This little hint of cold weather makes me yearn for the mornings at home when you can see your breath and smell all the freshly light fireplaces.
This is my fall... a country girl's fall.