It's pumpkin carving szn, people! Everyone is Halloween shopping for costumes, plastic spiders, spooky skeletons, and the perfect pumpkin to dissect. But how is one to carve in an artsy or creative way, though? You came to the right place. Here's a couple of ideas to consider before you start dicing up pumpkin carcass.
1. Use a laser
Grab your handy dandy laser that I'm sure you keep in your back pocket and really just go for it.
2. Use science
Isn't it a hassle to poke out the pieces of pumpkin you just cut? No longer! Make it explode.
3. Find a squirrel
Use your natural resources.
4. Shoot it
This technique will probably double-time your efforts! The bullets are gonna have to come out the other side, so you'll end up with a smiley face on both sides of your pumpkin!
5. Beer bottles
Just shove some beer bottles into your pumpkin. Then later, maybe stuff the insides with ice, and you've got a party.
6. Use cookie cutters
It beats cutting with a knife! Eh? See what I did there?
7. Take it seriously
You could get really into it and Picasso the heck out of your pumpkin.
8. Drill it
If shooting bullets through a pumpkin made you uncomfortable but you still wanna go at it with a masculine approach, use a drill!
9. Use a turtle
Similar to the squirrel approach, set a lil turtle in front of a pumpkin. The tiny nibbles will give it that super detailed look you're going for. Plus, isn't this cute?
10. The classic knife
Maybe don't go at it with as much angst as Lucy, but you've got the idea.
All of the other jack-o-lanterns will be so jealous! Just get your head in the game and really put yourself into it.
Alright, I'm done with puns now.