Having a pet pug is similar to having another member of the family—just with a bigger and better personality. Aside from their snoring, every other aspect of having these dogs makes for the perfect companion. If you don't have a pug yet, you're going to want one soon.
They are always ready to cuddle
Pugs are huge fans of spending their days laying around. It can be the middle of the night or middle of the day, if you're ready to get into bed they will come right along with you. On the plus side, they don't take up too much of your bed.
They look great in Halloween costumes
There really isn't a costume that won't look down right adorable on a pug. Who doesn't love a chubby dog with a sad face in a cute costume?
They are always excited when you come home
Your roommates might not even look up from their phone when you walk in the door, but it's a 100% guarante that your pug will come flying across the room, wagging their tail uncontrollably, excited to see you.
You can buy everything with a pug on it
Pug related items are a big thing right now. Once you have your own pug I think it's actually physically impossible to not want to buy every shirt, mug, or sticker that has a picture of these beautiful creatures on it.
You can buy pug stuff for it
What's cuter than a pug wearing pugs? Nothing.
They don't take up much space
Pugs are small, which is great. You don't have to worry about them needing a lot of room around the house. Just give them a little bit of the top of the couch and they are more than happy.
They know when they've been bad
And so will you, just by the look on their face. Pugs feel no guilt in the moment, but as soon as they've been caught, the big, sad pug eyes come out. Good luck punishing that face.
You'll always have someone to eat with
No one likes eating alone, but if you have a pug that doesn't have to happen. Along with sleeping, just about the only other thing pugs love to do at any time of day, is eat.
It's impossible to be sad when you see your pug happy
Pugs are almost always happy and they have the most adorable smile. It doesn't matter if you just failed a test, crashed your car, or broke a bone; there's nothing this face can't fix.
Everyone love pug pictures
Think about all the perfect Instagram moments you and your pug will have. Just looking a picture of these guys can brighten anyones day. You would be doing a public service by getting your own.
There are a million reasons why having a pug as your pet will make your life way better. But you'll really never understand unless you try for yourself! The pug life didn't choose you, you choose the pug life.