Speeches and presentations in front of others can be the worst, and can cause a great deal of anxiety, however, here are a few tips to help ease you through and prepare you for your next public speech. That way you can rock it and be an absolute natural at giving presentations.
1. Focus on your breathing.
My biggest tip on how to become a smooth talker in front of crowds is to focus on your breathing beforehand. Before you get up for the big speech, take a couple deep breaths and focus solely on that instead of the presentation. It helps to clear your mind and calm your nerves.
2. Shift your attention to articulation.
The biggest part of giving a speech is how your performance is. Focus on HOW you say your words. By speaking clearly and focusing on pronunciation it allows you to give a stellar speech with clarity and ease.
3. Practice and Prepare
This is essential. Some people are fantastic at being able to wing speeches but if you feel nervous about presenting it is essential to practice and prepare beforehand. Make sure you know what exactly you want to say, and get it down to a science.
4. Rehearse
Similarly to practicing and preparing, rehearsing in front of your family members, your dog, or in front of a mirror is so important. This will allow you to see your facial expressions and body language. Practicing in front of people beforehand is also important because they can give you feedback and it will also allow you to get a feel for what it's like to perform in front of a crowd.
5. Learn the material
Being well versed in your material is crucial. If you are already nervous about the speech itself, being firm in what you're presenting is critical. This will lessen the nerves if you are able to go up and know exactly what you are going to talk about.
Be confident, positive, and sure of yourself and kill that next presentation!