You're in your twenties. You go to college. You're alive. You're breathing, but sometimes you sink. You drown and you can't seem to get up. You feel like your life has no direction, you feel like you're not worthy of anything, you're giving up on yourself. You feel like you're not good to the people in your life, you feel lost. But don't worry. It's okay.
It's okay to feel like that. It's okay to screw up so much you can't get out of bed the next day. It's okay to get into a screaming match with your best friends and say things that you don't mean. It's okay to be dealing with pain and lash out on someone else. It's okay to be overly jealous and competitive and for other people to question your sanity. It's okay to be scared of what tomorrow is going to bring because guess what -- we all are. We are all scared, we are all mean, but we are all human.
You are not always going to get along with people in your life. The truth is, you're going to get hurt, but you're also going to hurt people. You're going to break someone's heart and you're going to watch people walk out of your life with no rhyme or reason, and it's okay.
Honestly, it's okay to look in the mirror and rip your appearance into a million pieces because every single one of us does it. We all hate ourselves sometimes, we all act so unexplainably insane and beat ourselves up over and over again, and it's okay because we, you and I, we're human.
We have hearts that love so deeply, and minds that think and over analyze and over complicate, and make us question ourselves. We have eyes that count our flaws but eyes that see our world and understand that we are apart of a very important puzzle, that every hurt we thrust and every mistake we make is building us and teaching us a lesson.
The most important thing you can do through all of this is to simply and wholeheartedly forgive yourself, to accept you're not perfect -- no one is -- and no one deserves more or less than anyone else.
So forgive yourself. Forgive yourself of it all, forgive yourself for sinking and having no direction in your life, forgive all your regrets, forgive everything and accept that your life is much bigger when you let go of your ego and you accept yourself for everything you are. We have years ahead of us to change and to grow. So right now, you're okay. It's all okay.