For me, every Sunday night consists of two things. One: ice cream, because obviously Sunday is ice cream day. And two: "Game of Thrones." If I, for some horrific reason, get bitten by a shark, attacked by the mafia, get struck by a subway train or have some other horrible accident and am forced to miss my Sunday night GOT ritual, I unintentionally hear all about what I missed. I cannot go a single Monday without hearing the spoilers all about the episode I had missed. This obviously ruins everything!
Two weeks ago, after the Hodor episode, I thought social media would be filled with "hold the door" GIFS, tweets, and pictures. But I was extremely disappointed. I'm not sure whether or not people were so upset about the ending of that episode to poke fun at the hilarious yet saddening ending. When coming to work the next day I did not hear one comment about Hodor's courageous attempt to protect Bran. I felt as though this pivotal point in this season of GOT was underestimated.
Personally, my sister and I cannot get enough of this "hold the door" moment. Every time we leave the room, close the door, walk out of a restaurant, or do anything remotely involving a door one of us obnoxiously bellows, "Hold the door!" After laughing at ourselves for 10 minutes each time we finally realized what exactly social media is lacking. Working at Odyssey, I read hundreds of articles each week, and did not read a single one about Hodor.
It was after this realization that I decided that everyone needs some more Hodor in their lives.
So my question is, why hasn't "Hold the door," become a national phenomenon? I'm waiting to see the neverending Tumblr, Insta, and Twitter memes. Come on, people!