Going on a break- if your significant other suggests a break, it's pointless. Whoever suggested the break, does not want to be with the other person anymore, and instead of just being honest, it's their way to hookup with other people and then come back once they've gotten their fix. And you should just breakup at that point, because anyone that can't be honest with you, is not worth a break.
If they wanted to, they would- Simple.
If they cheat with you, they will cheat ON you- if you were a side girl, you best believe no matter how much you don't want to, that there will be another, if there isn't already.
If you stay, after they screw up, that's on you- They gave you the money to buy the clown costume, but you just had to put it on. Do we all stay just to see if we can fix the problem? Yeah. But there comes a time when you can't be sad about it anymore because you chose to stay. Don't blame them for your inability to walk out of what you knew was bad. Goes for anyone in your life. Granted, there are certain circumstances (like marriage, financially dependent, or a physically abusive relationship that requires legal action) that are harder to get out of, but do your best in those kinds of things.
If they don't give you closure, don't search for it- another simple one. If they ghosted you, or just let you be without any reason, it's because they either don't know how to give you a reason, or it's their way in when they want you again. Let them find their own closure in their mistake, and you find yours in other ways. Don't lose yourself trying not to lose them. That's like someone dropping you off on a curb, leaving you, while you hitch hike hoping that they drive by, and then becoming homeless on the same curb, when five weeks/months/years later, they show up again. Whatever you define as a lack of closure, is okay. Maybe they just didn't see it as black and white or serious as you did, but maybe one day they will. In the meantime, don't search for what is already gone.
Whatever you are allowing will be continued- this goes for anything in life. Whatever you are allowing to happen without changing, you are choosing. Read that again.
Change is not immediate- we all know this, but a friendly reminder!
The second you start to think that you deserve better, you won't ever be able to unsee it in all of the complicated situations- once you find respect for yourself in a way you hadn't before, you start to see how much you have been missing out on seeing, in whatever it is. Job, friendship, relationships.
My favorite one:
If you are asking for a sign, THAT IS YOUR SIGN.You do not need something to fall out of the sky to tell you something that you have clearly already found out about yourself or someone else, honey, that is your sign.