God she's such a slut...
What makes a woman a slut? Is it the fact that a woman has sex and enjoys it? *gasp* Is the amount of partners she has? *faints* Is it the way she dresses? *looks of shame* What is it? What makes her a slut?
As part of the feminist movement, calling women sluts, whores, or the latest term "thot" because of their "promiscuity" needs to stop, especially by women. It is known that women are just as likely to make these remarks just as much as men. Sometimes it's not even about the amount of sex or partners she has, it's just a term to degrade woman. In the words from one of my favorite fictional teachers Ms. Norbury,
"You all have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it ok for guys to call you sluts and whores."
Even that quip from the 2004 classic movie "Mean Girls" speaks a lot from just that one line. It's never okay no matter what the gender of the person is to call you these terms. I admit that every once in a while I use the term slut, whore, and sometimes the word bitch is thrown in there. I never mean it to degrade or judge anyone, I use it in a joking manner, but slowly after becoming informed about slut-shaming, I try not to use it, but as we all know, It's hard to stop cold turkey to anything that has been ingrained into your mind for so long, but I digress...
One woman I particularity look up to is Amber Rose. She takes great pride in her sexuality and clearly doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks. Have you seen her Funny or Die video about the walk of shame? In that sense she is my spirit animal and that's when I wanted to learn more about the slut-shaming movement. I've read countless articles and kept my own tabs on Amber Rose and her movements. One in particular is her Slutwalk. Now the first Slutwalk was held in Toronto, Canada in 2011, but with a name like Amber Rose, it grew to popularity and she made it her own as she hosted the Amber Rose Slutwalk in Los Angeles, California in October 2015. I consider her a true feminist and I respect her. She stands up for the movement, educates others of their slut-shaming ways, and she is not just talk; she contributes so much for the slut-shaming movement.
Everyone can learn from Amber Rose and their own personal experiences. I'm tired of the double standards that women cannot be proud of their sexual conquests just like men. If a man does it they're applauded, if a women does it she is deemed a "slut". I'm sure as long as consent was involved, protection was used, and both partners respected themselves, their partner(s), and their bodies/health they should be fine. People are sexual creatures no matter what they do. It's nature, it's biology...hell...sex fun in general. Why put a shame/label/stigma on it? I can be dressed as simple and feel as confident as the woman next to me dressed in the mini skirt, crop top, and six-inch heels but she would be called the slut. I wish I could have the confidence to wear what she wears. Why judge by clothing, it is just fashion.There's no shame in her game and no judgement is made. For all anyone knows she could be the virgin and I could have had multiple partners. Don't even get me started with clothing and the rape culture of "asking for it" associated with what a woman wears, I could go on forever with that but that's another topic for another day.
I can proudly say that I'm a sexual creature. That doesn't mean I'll blurt out every time I've had sex, but if we engage in conversation and you ask I'll tell you. To each their own. Some things can be shared and not everyone should be forced to share everything. It all comes down to assumption. I am not ashamed of the partners I've had, the amount of times I've had sex, or even the one night stand I've had, or even if I knew the guy's last name to be honest. If by that you think I'm a slut, I dare you to say it to my face or to anyone's face who has ever had sex. I have no shame, I don't think of slut as a negative meaning. I'm proud to be a slut. Next time someone calls you a slut, thank them. You know your morals and your values, don't let a word like that define you as long as you are true to yourself.