In accordance to Webster Dictionary "Feminism" is defined as, "the political, economic, and social equality among the sexes". Nowhere does it say that feminists must hate men, believe women are superior or burn their bras and refuse to shave. It's simply equality.
Lately, I've seen so much bashing of women, feminists, and the extremely popular Women's March that took place on January 21st. There have been women denouncing feminism and the marches that have taken place. I've seen articles about the idiocy of American women who feel that their rights are being infringed upon. To be completely honest, I'm shocked and just a little saddened by that.
How can you be a woman and not be a feminist? Do you not support women's rights? Do you not feel that women should be treated equally and fairly and receive the same treatment and benefits as men? Now mind you, I'm not just talking about your American, suburban, caucasian teenagers. I'm talking about Muslims in the Middle East, women of color living in poverty, the suburban moms who work for less than their male counterparts.
All Women Need Feminism.
Did you know that women are typically paid less than men while doing the same job? Yeah. That's a real thing. According to the Institute for Women's Policy Research, as of the Spring of 2016, women were paid 80 cents to every dollar a man made. That's a twenty percent difference in pay while doing the same exact job. In addition to that twenty percent gap, women of color are often paid even less. It's a little bit crazy and a whole lot of unfair. THAT is why I'm a feminist.
Another fun fact: in 41 states feminine hygiene products such as tampons, pads, and liners are all taxed despite being basic necessities for the thousands of women who have their periods monthly. Coming from personal experience, without those products, life can be a little, no, life can be extremely difficult. Women and girls everywhere can relate to the pain and struggle of not having something and having to scramble for a quick fix. There's also the problem that there are women who can't afford these products because they're simply too expensive. Tampons and pads are not luxury items. They shouldn't be placed under a sales tax and that's something that directly affects women worldwide. Fighting for that right is why I am a feminist.
Next, according to the National Girls Collaborative Project, women make up roughly half of the American workforce, yet only about 29% make up the science and engineering workforce. And until just recently those women were often overlooked, discredited, or ignored in general. Women working in the STEM departments have fought tooth and nail for recognition and credit for decades and even now, in a time where it is recognized that women are intellectually equal to men, girls are still discouraged from engaging in scientific work. Society needs to stop discouraging girls from studying science here in America and around the world. Women can do chemistry, physics, engineering, and computer science just as well (and sometimes even better) than men can and the fact that people don't think so boggles me. The empowerment of women in STEM positions is why I am a feminist.
This is quite literally the tip of the iceberg. All across the world, from sea to sea, women are facing injustice in various forms and degrees.
Take for instance women in the Middle East. Some are living under the oppression of Sharia Law. Others, simply under the oppression of their husbands. Forced to wear Burkas, denied the right of earning an education and unable to prosper independently due to strict social limitations, it's hard to see how women as a whole cannot lobby for their freedom. Feminism isn't a one sided coin, it's a sphere to include everyone.
Or, how about the fact that girls, young girls, are either forced into marriage or sold as young as nine years old. Globally yes, the age is sixteen as a minimum, but countries around the world allow and encourage girls to marry young to men sometimes twice or three times their age. In Iran, you can be nine years old at marriage. In Massachusets (Yes, America. That's right.) you can be as young as twelve to have a judge approve you for marriage in "Extensive circumstances". On this topic, I could go on forever. The injustice and inappropriate nature of child bride makes me sick, and yes, it is why women and girls everywhere need feminism. Whether it's in America or the Middle East, or countless other nations and regions, the world needs the light of feminism.
Equality between the sexes in social, political and economic standing is crucial. Not just so that we can say "We Won! We Won!". No, that isn't right at all. Equality for women means that no longer will we be seen as weak, or incapable. No longer will we be kept on the sidelines so the men can "handle things". No longer will women be treated as less than humans because of the parts between our legs. We can fight wars, create masterpieces, fly planes, run businesses, and yes, women can be just like men. Not better, not superior, but equal? I think so.
I am a feminist and I am damn proud to be.