The connotation of Pro-Choice bothers me. It’s not a good one. When you think of Pro-Choice, it’s associated with baby killer. The frustrations lie within people who seem to not understand the values of what Pro-Choice means. It’s just not about aborting the fetus, it’s a human right for a woman to be able to do whatever she wants to her own body.
Mostly abortions is where the controversy lies. I’m a huge advocate of Planned Parenthood and for the services that they offer.I’ve even gone to Planned Parenthood. It’s such a wonderful place to help yourself with your health. Abortions are one of the million services that they offer even though people assume that’s just all they do. When I say that I am Pro-Choice that means I have the right to make any choice to my body. That right is something that no one should ever feel ashamed about. I absolutely hate seeing protesters stand in front of this abortion clinics because why should you care? She’s the one who has the child that is in her body, not yours.
A lot of those pregnancies is because the mother is not ready. Maybe she isn’t ready to be a single parent to raise a child. Maybe she was raped. Maybe she is fifteen and wants to finish high school to go to college. Maybe it was an accident. These maybes are reasons that do not need to be justified because it’s okay to want more than just being a mother. I don’t understand why that is seen as a bad thing.
Pro-Choice does not mean that we hate children. It’s the fact that we love children enough to want to give them more when the time is ready. I love kids but I’m nowhere near ready to have my own kids. I’m at an unstable point in my life where I want to finish my education to get to the stable point for when the time is right to be able to give to that child. Abortion is an option and we should not be ashamed for making a choice that is right.
To the people who believe in Pro-Life, I see your points. I respect your points. All that I am asking is that the same respect to be reciprocated. There is no shame to be made for making a mature choice to not let a child come into this world when the mother is not ready: emotionally, financially, physically. A woman should have control over what she wants to do because we are people, not just objects where babies come from.