Dear Tomi,
Thank you for the countless publicity you give us Democrats, as most say, "No publicity is bad publicity!" You have yelled about how we're crybabies and how much you dislike our kind. You've taken your platform to a whole new level during this presidential election which is good for us all. Now everyone can see how much of a hypocrite you are.
Your show is clearly based on your "final thoughts" on events that happen around us. I think that's pretty cool that you get to make a whole career around your opinion about why everyone else's opinion is wrong.
My favorite part about your show is how you constantly try to prove to people you believe in the first amendment. Like in your episode about Colin Kaepernick when you said you fight for his right for freedom of speech after you've dogged him for expressing that right. So I'm just wondering Tomi, are you actually for the first amendment? Or only when it doesn't offend you?
Oh, and speaking of offending you, I'm also rather confused about this "shut up and deal with it" attitude you have towards democrats, women's rights activists, scientists, black lives matter, Muslims, refugees, etc. You call us a bunch of crybabies because we march in the streets and fight for our rights. Yet you sit on your show and cry about how annoying we are. So I guess what we really need is a web-show to get your respect.
You've earned the eyes and ears of many Republicans who love your loud, uncensored beliefs. They love how you "tell it how it is" and don't care who's feelings you hurt. It's rather funny though because your whole script is just about who hurt your feelings that week.
Tomi, I honestly think this is all just a big show. You saw your big break during election time and ran with it. I feel you girl. Whatever it takes to make it to the top, right? Personally, I think you were probably chill as F in 2013. We could have totally been BFF's back when you were popping that P in the club.
I'm sure you're still cool somewhere under all that anger and frustration. We all get upset sometimes and with all this crazy stuff going on around us, it can be hard to separate emotion from truth. Just like when you said "Radical Islam is becoming a rule, not an exception. Yesterday's moderate is today's terrorist." Yet when surveyed 81% of Muslim-Americans said: "violence against civilians is never justified." Though I can already hear you now, "But what about that other 19%!"
Well, I do hope this letter finds you well Tammy. I'd love to hear your response to some of my questions, let's chat soon.
A Proud Snowflake