As many of you may have seen there was a video that went viral of the Alpha Chi Omega chapter at Arizona State University. Normally, this would be seen as a good thing by bringing the chapter some sort of media, but this video was different. It was during the fourth inning when the announcers zoomed in on the girls and spent about 2 minutes watching them take photos.
In the video we see the announcers actually making fun of these girls with rude comments like, “Every girl in the picture is locked into her phone!" "Welcome to parenting in 2015" and "That’s the best one of the 300 pictures I’ve taken of myself today!" Although I understand the announcers may have been trying to be funny, I’m not sure anyone would like this sort of attention, and I mean c’mon, we all take selfies. After all of the negative comments were written about the girls in the video, Fox Sports decided to try and reconcile with the ladies of Alpha Chi Omega by offering free tickets to their upcoming game. Here is what the women had to say:
"Alpha Chi Omega at Arizona State University would like to thank the Arizona Diamondbacks and Fox Sports for reaching out to the chapter after last night’s game and subsequent media frenzy. We appreciate their generous offer of tickets to tonight’s game. However, instead of chapter members attending the game, we have asked the Diamondbacks and Fox Sports to provide tickets to a future game for families at A New Leaf, a local non-profit that helps support victims of domestic violence.
Today, October 1, marks the beginning of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. If everyone who viewed this statement took the time to make a donation in recognition of domestic violence awareness, which is Alpha Chi Omega’s national philanthropy, we would be so grateful! We are happy to have the opportunity to shed some positive light on such a sensitive subject. All proceeds will go directly to A New Leaf to help struggling Arizona families get back on their feet by providing housing, food, childcare and more. You can donate using the link below. We appreciate your support!"
This shows that although yes, girls in sororities LOVE to take selfies, we are all much more than just photos of churros and duck faces. Alpha Chi Omega is made up of real, strong women who can take the ridicule of others and somehow find a way to turn it into a selfless act. So thank you to the announcers and Fox Sports for allowing that chapter a few moments of fame (even if it wasn’t the kind of fame we would normally want) and letting us show the world who we really are, behind our phones. I am proud to be an Alpha Chi Omega and this is just one of the great examples why!