I cannot help but notice the increase in people complaining about the college that they plan to attend this fall. I think this increase is just due to entitlement. We all think that we deserve the best of the best. We deserve the best housing, the best class times, the best college, the best everything. I am guilty of this at times as well. The problem is that these people have the mindset of, “If I don’t get what I want then I don’t want anything at all.” This may seem like a narrow-minded accusation but I believe it to be true. The rise of entitlement has created a group of people who take their schooling forgranted. I’m am preaching to stop this. Stop the complaining about the school you are to attend and be proud.
When I decided which school I would attend this fall I knew that once I chose I was going to just embrace it. Embrace you school people! Your school probably has a lot to offer that you don’t even know about yet. Embrace your school and be proud to say you go there. Why would you waste the energy to not love it? Your experience will be a product of your attitude. Invest in friendships. Even if you are planning to transfer to another school, still invest in friendships. What people that are transferring to other schools don’t understand is that this school is still part of their story. It is a little chunk of their life. Make it count! Get involved with your school. Like I said, there are probably so many new clubs and organizations that you don’t even know about yet. Take the first step to being proud of your school by getting involved. If you want to be a water polo-basketball playing-chess master-artist then do it! There is no better time to try new things. Get involved.
A lot of times we are so focused on the things going wrong that it seems that it just consumed the things that are going right for us. My biggest advice to becoming proud of your school is to look on the bright side of things. The bright side is a better place to live anyway. So get excited for your school! Don’t waste so many negative emotions. Save those up for someone who deserves them all. Okay… I’m not promoting taking things out on other people (unless they really deserve it). What could be so bad about getting excited though, seriously! Force it on yourself. When you look on the bright side it is so much easier to look at the big picture. Looking at the big picture will make you be grateful to be a part of something so great. I don’t mean to be this person but seriously Americans are so fortunate to have amazing colleges and the opportunity to even go to college. Big picture. Guys, just make the most of it. I know that things may not be what you’d like them to be but if you follow all of these things I promise you will get the most out of your college experience. Forget the entitlement and humble yourselves.