The term nerd is relatively new, the first recorded appearance of it only dating back to the 1950s. In its original usage it was primarily used as a synonym for loon or nut, and held a rather negative connotation. As times, have changed, however, so has its meaning and applications. With the printing and popularization of Dungeons and Dragons in 1974, there began to be a shift away from using the word nerd to describe someone as crazy toward something closer to out-of-the-ordinary. In other words, nerd was no longer an insult, it just was still not something you’d like to be called because it separated you out from the norm and made some people think you’re weird. In more recent years the term has again changed, gaining more strength as simply a defining term which individuals can be more than glad to stand behind. These are the reasons why me and countless other individuals are proud to call themselves nerds.
Before continuing I’m going to define what I believe to be a nerd, and why I believe that I am one. First of all there is no physical description that goes with being a nerd. I myself try to maintain good physical condition, and exercise regularly. I have also met countless other nerds who externally do not match the stereotype of the overweight white male in their 30s, all of whom are still more than qualified to carry the title. Being a nerd is about how you carry yourself, the things you enjoy doing, and how you go about doing things.
Out-of-the-ordinary still applies, but its more in the sense of the activities that grasp your attention and are something that most people wouldn’t even imagine of doing. I am a member of the Magic the Gathering community, in addition to many online games. I enjoy working with technology, and find great enjoyment in creating something that works. There is also the aspect of the things that you enjoy talking about and following. The thing that separates nerds from most other people is that where an average household might talk about sports or something they saw in the news, nerds have a much more diverse and often fantastical basis of things to talk about, ranging from books to video games and anything in between. I believe I am a nerd because of the things that I enjoy, and because of the way I communicate with other people.
Coming back to why I am proud to call myself a nerd, even though for all intents and purposes it still separates me from the norm, is that it is a way to define what I believe I am. Today, more than ever before there is a push away from normalizing, and as such being different from what is considered the average is in no way a bad thing. Because of this there is no longer a need to feel bad about the distinction. Not only that, but due to these changes a different view of the nerd community has come to be, and I can attest to the fact that it is true. While it may be odd and at times highly competitive, the nerd community is one of the most inclusive and kind out there.
Whether it has something to do with the fact that we are all coming together online and as such have no physical preconceptions about each other, or when we come face to face for things such as Magic the Gathering and other tabletop games we have something in common as a baseline for interaction, I have not been in a single gathering of nerds where I did not feel welcomed and had a good time.
I am proud to be a nerd because it means being a part of a community of people who hold nothing against anyone based on the external, and are simply looking to make themselves and everyone around them have a great time.