When I decided to study Broadcasting, I was pretty young. I still don’t believe that if you go away to college you need to decide what you need to do forever and I’ve made peace with the idea that I might not work in Broadcasting for my entire life. But at the ripe age of seventeen, I was looking at colleges and looking into Communications programs. Eventually I got more specific into Broadcast Journalism and found a few schools I wanted to visit.
I ended up at Seton Hall University, and every day I am so proud to say that I am a Broadcasting major.
I could be studying a major that doesn’t truly make me happy, like Physics or Business Management. I could be studying a major that might make me a lot of money one day. But I chose to study Broadcasting for a reason, I chose it because it will make me happy, and if it will make me happy, then I will find a way to make the money work as well.
I am proud to be a Broadcasting Major because it is different. I enjoy explaining to people the lengths and distances I can go to create something, the people I could possibly meet, the places I could possibly go, and the adventures that it will take me on.
I am proud to be a Broadcasting Major because I get to watch something grow. Whether I choose to work for a television network, a film company, or a website, I get to watch whatever it is that I am producing, grow and evolve. It is a beautiful thing to watch something grow from just an idea. It is also one of the most rewarding.
I am proud to be a Broadcasting Major because I can choose any day to go my own way. If one day I am bored of an office job with a network or company, I can always say, “this isn’t for me, I’m starting my own company!” And I can do just that. With a dream and a clear mind, I can do anything I want to with Broadcasting.
I am proud to be a Broadcasting Major because I have so many options. I can produce news, stock news, entertainment shows, sports talk shows, animal shows, sitcoms, crime shows, any genre you can imagine. Life does not have to be dull.
I am proud to be a Broadcasting Major because I know I would not fit in anywhere else. I would not fit in with Nursing Majors or Business Majors. I love it; isn’t that what matters?