When we all entered the year 2020, so many of us had so many hopes. So many of my friends and family were looking forward to a new decade and a new beginning, as was I. But just a few short months into the new year, everything became abrupt and it felt as if the world had stopped turning. Over the past couple of months, we have all been experiencing changes that not everyone agrees with and has put quite the damper on anyones future plans. But to be completely honest, despite all that COVID took away from us and is causing us to practice we are still free. We still get to practice the rights of an American citizen and we are not forced to be locked in our homes.
What I'm trying to get at, is that no matter how rough you may think it is or how much it may suck, just think of all the things you still get to do and how many of those things a person, like George Floyd, will never get to do again. I would like to point out that your white privilege is screaming when you are out protesting the wearing of a mask and ignoring all the rules that you were asked to follow for the safety of yourself and all of those around you.
The protesting of mask wearing was brushed off so quickly and so many of them never had any sort of police presence while this was happening. Although the majority of these protests were basically non violent, if any of them had involved a black majority over white, the outcome would have been much different. And being in denial about that fact is part of the problem in the first place. The lives of George Floyd, Michael Brown, Jordan Davis, and so many more were taken so violently for absolutely no reason, leading to a series of riots.
Here's the thing though: not all of those riots were violent. I'm not going to call anything the "media" or blame the "media" for all that is going on in the world right now, but I will say that there are two sides to every story and the other side to this story is that the burning of buildings and complete destruction of Targets are not the only protests happening that deal with this situation.
With that being said, there is a reason to be upset about the consequences behind these protests and how people are being treated. States have a right to enforce any and all rules in a way that they see best fit, so why not arrest people for their mask protests when they're technically putting people in danger? I'm not saying throw them in jail, but teach them a lesson rather than letting whites constantly cry like babies and get their way.
The protests against police make sense considering the constant injustice that is being shown to the black community from them. The consequences do not match one another and if you do not believe in white privilege or that you as a white person get away so easily then you need to re think and re evaluate, and read the stories of the deaths of black males such as George Floyd and Michael Brown, and look how white male murders are treated.
The injustice and unmatched consequences have got to stop. And that is why Black Lives Matter, and will always matter.