Lately, the election has been the thing to talk about. Opinions, arguments, and protests are all over the news and are nearly impossible to escape from. Some of these protests have even become so dangerous that it was necessary to have police intervention. As these protests are going on, some people have become extremely offended that people would protest the president-elect. Many of these people believe that it is unfair for people to protest, because Trump won the election, thus making his actions wanted and just.
Protests have been a part of the United States since its formation. The people of Boston protested the excessive tea tax by throwing tea into the harbor. This would be one of the factors that would eventually lead to the Revolutionary War and the foundation of the United States. Many African Americans embarked on silent marches to protest their treatments back in the 1960s. This would eventually lead to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlaws discrimination based on race, sex, religion, or national origin. Some of the best laws and changes have come from protests. The protests now are no different from those in the past. They are not people a "hissy fit". People see a problem and are attempting to solve it and seek justice.
People should not agree with everything that the government provides. This allows for more competition among politicians to create better legislation. We do not want a society straight from 1984, where government has supreme power and is able to persuade citizens to believe that "War is Peace" and "Freedom is Slavery".
Trump conveys views that many people find terrible and extreme. On top of this, his treatment of women and small businesses is also not very appealing. Although many people feel threatened by him, there has never been a time where the president-elect has not become president. The chances of someone else becoming president are very slim.
There are also some people that are protesting Trump in an immature way. Although he has acted immaturely in some instances, it is up to the population to show that it does not want that. If we want a serious president then we need to act seriously.
As a result, people should stop trying to protest Trump becoming president and focus on proposing ideas in order to persuade our president-elect to make decisions that reflect the views of the majority. Show Trump why these opinions are important. That cannot be done with him being defensive every time a large body of people comes together to express an idea.
It probably will be difficult to change the views of Trump, but it will be nearly impossible to change the president