It seems that in this era we live in, there are constant "marches" to protest anything and everything. "We are protesting XYZ", one says. "We are out here to show our support for XYZ cause", says another. But, what do these protests actually do?
Are you trying to make a political statement? Are you trying to ruffle feathers and start a riot? (Which is illegal, by the way.) What is it that you want? What is it that you are hoping to accomplish?
Is it possible that we've gotten it all wrong, and that these efforts actually prove futile? Think about it this way. "Marches" if you will, used to be reserved for some of the noblest (and most controversial) of causes. These included peace walks for desegregation, women's rights to vote, teacher strikes to earn a fair and competitive wage, and more. Now, we've gotten to a place where the second we don't like or disagree with something, we gather up as many people as we can find who will agree with our causes, and we protest. But, doesn't this defeat the point of a protest or march? If these acts become so commonplace that no one even bothers to bat an eye anymore, how can we really expect to make a statement? Instead, it becomes just another protest.
Just another protest, just another day.
I'm not saying that people shouldn't protest, but what I am saying is that when we are making them commonplace, they lose their meaning, and no one will lose any sleep over them, or change their ways. If we really want to see change, it's up to us to change things constructively and logically. Call your representatives if you want your voice heard. Get involved in your local governments. Get involved with campus clubs if you want to change your campus climate. Become senators and write/propose new laws. Do something. Do anything. But don't sit back and complain and expect things to change because that's not how change happens.
Until we stop complaining about who colleges bring to speak on campuses and until we stop rioting over things that aren't even worth it, nothing will change, and nothing will get better.
If you want to see change, be the change. We can do better than this.