Legalizing prostitution is arguably one of the most controversial topics out there. However, for some reason, people really don't want to talk about how good it would be for society. Now, I'm not saying prostitutes walking around on the street and human or sex trafficking should be legalized; I'm saying indoor prostitution should be legalized. Bringing back brothels would be extremely helpful to society.
First of all, indoor prostitution would keep everyone involved safer.
It would lessen human and sex trafficking, underground prostitution, sexually transmitted diseases and the murder and kidnapping of prostitutes. It would also keep the prostitutes in a safe environment and all in the same place, making it easier for the owner of the brothel to make sure the prostitutes stay safe. Having all of the men and women in the same area under the eye of the owner or /manager decreases the rate of kidnapping and murder to almost nothing. It lessens human sex trafficking by again keeping the women and men off of the street. The lower the rate of the kidnapping of prostitutes, the lower the rate of sex trafficking.
It reduces underground prostitution because no one would rather put themselves in a risky and potentially dangerous situation instead of a safe environment. Meaning the less people are selling themselves on the street, the more underground prostitution lessens. The cases of sexually transmitted diseases detected would decrease because all of the prostitutes would have monthly tests to see if they are clean and so would the clients. The clients wouldn’t be able to apply and make an appointment without recent documentation to say they are clean from any sexually transmitted diseases.
Sound like a ridiculously long process no one would want to go through? Well, they don’t have a choice if there are no underground prostitutes. It is a measure of safety for both the clients and the prostitutes.
Secondly, people often associate substance abuse with prostitution.
While they aren’t completely wrong, they aren’t completely right. Studies show that most people started using drugs before becoming prostitutes, in most cases. Although, substance abuse can be found with prostitution. It is commonly found with street prostitution and rarely found with indoor prostitution.
Now, you are probably wondering who would run these brothels. Well, there would be general guidelines and laws put out by the government that each and every brothel would have to follow. However, the brothels would be mostly run by the state. Topics like how many hours the prostitutes could work, placement of the brothels, requirements to work in a brothel and requirements to be a client would be handled by the government. Small topics like hours of operation and size of the building would be determined by the state.
I know this topic seems like something that shouldn’t matter, but there are so many crimes that could be lessened just by legalizing indoor prostitution. If you don’t believe me, just look at Rhode Island. They legalized it accidentally, and it has helped their society tremendously. Not only in crime rate, but financially too.
What do you think about indoor prostitution?