After having found out about the job opening as a Supreme Court Justice in its traditional declaration on Craigslist, I was absolutely ecstatic. The nation's highest court and its rulings play an integral role in the promotion of justice and fairness for the everyman. The magnanimity of the importance in the proper selection of the next justice, who will serve upwards of twenty years deciding exactly what we are and are not entitled to as citizens, cannot be emphasized enough. Given that I am a generally pretty OK person and I'm rumored to be intelligent, naturally I thought that I would be perfect for the job. In the spirit of transparency, I've actually constructed a pros and cons list of what would happen if I became a Supreme Court Justice. Take a look.
While average citizens really don't have any say in who will be deciding on their protections and general worth for a fair portion of their lifetime, I just thought that it'd be nice to let the people know what I truly stand for. I hope that this has been helpful!Politics and ActivismFeb 16, 2016
Pros And Cons: Me as the Next Supreme Court Justice
While I'm maybe not as qualified as other probable Justices, I'm definitely excited to be here.